Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Free Cosmetic Medical Treatments for Foreign Tourists/Residents

Free Cosmetic Medical Treatments for Foreign Tourists/Residents

by Seoul Medical Tourism Center, 15/10/2010

Seoul Medical Tourism Center, established and operated by Seoul city government, wants to give you the chance to experience the latest cosmetic medical treatments for FREE provided by Seoul City's partnering institute/clinics. ‘Healthy Beauty’ is the theme of this special promotional event that offers international tourists and foreign residents in Korea the opportunity to win complimentary cosmetic dermatology, plastic surgery or cosmetic dental treatments at specially selected clinics/centers.

Medical Treatments Offered Through ‘Healthy Beauty’
1. Customized medical skin care + plastic surgery consultation

Professional skin care program prescribed by dermatologists will be provided. Experienced dermatologists in a clinic we have selected from our list of medical tourism partners will check your skin to identify the most pressing troubles and problems and suggest a customized skin care program for you. You can also request a complimentary plastic surgery consultation session if you wish.

2. BOTOX injection for diminishing wrinkles near eyes + plastic surgery consultation

This is the perfect chance to get rid of wrinkles near your eyes. An experience doctor in a plastic surgery clinic we have selected will consider both the function of the muscles near eyes and the aesthetical aspects before deciding where to give you your BOTOX shots. You can also request a complimentary plastic surgery consultation session if you wish.

3. Teeth whitening + whitening skincare

The medical professionals in this dental & dermatology clinic are able to work together to help you achieve a flawless look through brighter teeth and more glowing, healthier skin.

Participation in the ‘Healthy Beauty’ Event
Receive one of the medical treatments described above and write a review about the experience.
Event Participants: International tourists and foreign residents in Korea (20 or older)
Application Period: 3 weeks – Friday 15 October to Friday 5 November 2010
Treatment Period: Monday 8 thru Friday 12 November 2010

Entry Details are available on the Seoul Medical Tourism website Click on Language for list of language options. (www.seoulmedicaltour.com).

Review Submission Requirement: Participants must be willing and able to submit a review should they win one of the medical consultations. Deadline for review submission: one week following treatment.

Website Postings: Collected reviews will be posted on the Seoul Medical Tour website as well as on that of the clinic/institute that provided the service. and the medical institutes which provided the treatments.

Print Media: Some reviews will be selected for printing in magazines and newspapers both in and outside Korea.

For any inquiries, please contact the Seoul Medical Tourism Center
- English: Suna Lee 02-2268-1304, Email: sunalee@seoulwelcome.com
- Japanese: 許麟 02-2268-1354, Email: lin2024@seoulwelcome.com
- Chinese: 金恩美 02-3788-0864, Email: wanshi@seoulwelcome.com

※ Disclaimer

1. Each participant in this promotional event is solely responsible for his/her own decision regarding her/his choice of treatments. Seoul Medical Tourism Center is not responsible for the result of the treatment provided.

2. Each participant is responsible for informing the medical staff of the medical institute/clinic providing treatments of any pertinent information regarding her/his physical condition, including but not limited to:

- Medication that he/she is taking or has taken recently
- Possible allergies
- Possibility of pregnancy

3. Seoul Medical Tourism Center shall not release participants' personal information to the third party. However, participants' name and photo may be included with the review each winner is required to submit after receiving complimentary treatments.

4. Seoul Medical Tour is not responsible for any accommodation, transportation or meals costs incurred by any participation.

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