Sunday, September 26, 2010

JangHeung Art Park

If you are looking for something fun to do one afternoon with your childen, then try the JungHeung Art Park. It is an outdoor/indor art park. There are plenty of things for children to play on and climb in. 
All signs are in Korean however it is fairly easy to figure out prices, and the cashier will show you on a calculator what you need to pay. For a family of 3: 2 adults and 1 child it cost 16,000 Won.
Directions: From CRC head south on 39.  Go through underpass then stay to the right and continue on 39.  Continue on 39 and go through a 2nd tiny underpass.  About 2.3kilometers past this you will take a right turn, almost 130-degree-angle and you will be on a tiny little two lane road.  Follow this little road and you will see what appears to be small amusement park rides on the right. To the left is the Art Park. 
This is the last underpass you will go through before you get there.

This is where you make that crazy right turn onto 371.

This is the 371 after you turn onto it.

Just inside the gate.

Trojan Horse for young kids to play on.

You will find a lot of statues.

They have a lot of sculptures made from recycled tires!

I LOVEd this one.

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