Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CRC Family Preparedness List for Typhoons

This is from the CRC Family Preparedness Guidebook pages 12 and forward:

TCCOR ONE Caution: Winds of 50 knots (58 mph) or greater are anticipated and forecasted to occur within the next three hours. Take appropriate safety measures.

 Depending on the intensity of the storm and the closest point of approach to the local area, the Commander, may direct that all installation activities cease immediately or that activities operate on a restricted basis.

 Fill bathtubs, sinks and other containers with water for use as an emergency water supply. Water can be disinfected in emergency situations by adding 1/2 teaspoon of bleach to 5 gallons of water.

 Assemble towels, rags, and mops to absorb rainwater that may seep into your quarters.

TCCOR ONE Emergency: Winds of 50 knots (58 mph) or greater are occurring. Routine operations cease and manning is limited to essential personnel only.

 Limit telephone usage to emergencies only.

 Draw blinds and drapes to prevent possible injury from broken glass. One window downwind from the approaching destructive wind should be opened several inches. This will prevent the creation of a vacuum inside the house.

 During a typhoon, the eye of the storm may pass over the area. If so, there will be a noticeable calm, but do not be fooled into thinking the storm is over. After the calm there is a rapid build-up of wind that will come from the opposite direction. Close the windows previously opened and open another on the opposite side of the house (downwind side).

 Stay inside. Do not attempt to go outside unless directed to do so by local authorities.

 Do not leave your home or shelter until the ―All Clear Announcement is announced.

 Stay tuned to Command Channel or AFN radio station for information updates.

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