Monday, July 12, 2010

Monsoon Safety Measures

THE MONSOON SEASON IS UPON US ONCE AGAIN! That means rain, rain and more rain! And THAT means:
Flash Floodswhich can move trees and boulders, and destroy buildings & bridges. Most flood deaths are caused by flash floods.
Mud Slidesare a by-product of heavy rains and flooding. If you live in vicinity of a hill be especially wary of this hazard.
Inundated Roads and Walkways-Do not attempt to cross! 6 inches of fast moving water can knock you off your feet and 2 feet of water can float some vehicles.
Overflowing Riversare common during this time. If you live in vicinity of a stream or river, monitor weather advisories closely. If the level starts to rise –leave! Don’t wait until the situation becomes critical.
Downed Power Linesare a common occurrence, especially if they are adjacent to streams or rivers. Avoid them completely! If your vehicle comes into contact with one, stay inside and don’t touch any metal parts.
Undercut Roadsare also a common occurrence during monsoon season. Avoid roads that have been recently subjected to flooding or are adjacent to streams and rivers.

Our situational awareness is the best risk mitigation tool that we can use.
We all need to know:
What’s happening weather-wise
What to do in case of an emergency
Where to go in case of evacuation
Don’t forget to stock up and keep at least one week’s worth of food and living supplies in your home.
POC of this Alert is Safety Manager, USAG Red Cloud 732-8528

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