Thursday, April 1, 2010


Definitely bring your weight limit of furniture with you. When my husband arrived we were told there was plenty of loaner furniture for us to use for our whole tour, and to leave ours at home in storage. However, it appears there is a problem with a furniture contract being awarded, etc. This has resulted in a lot of people being put on the waiting list for furniture for a very long time. So, plan on bringing your own furniture or seeking a furnished apartment. I will update this post as soon as I have more information.


  1. That's right-Waiting on a bed & kitchen table.
    Still on THAT list:(

  2. Kickin, Sorry to hear that! I think I am going to complain to someone. It isn't fair that the military family has to suffer due to some paperwork/contract issue!

  3. The only thing we were able to get was a washer, dryer, chair, and end table.
