Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taxi Ride

Today was my first Taxi ride from Yangju to Camp Casey. I called the AAFES CRC Taxi service to order a taxi but they didn't have any available. That was a little bit of a shock. I just assumed they would have a taxi waiting around wanting to pick someone up. We had an appointment to make after all. Not to be discouraged, my son and I walked out to one of the more busy streets by our apartments and he flagged down a taxi. I was really nervous, with my very limited Korean Language, about explaining where we wanted to go. However it wasn't too bad at all. He pulled up, cutting across crosswalks, and rolled down his window. I simply said "Camp Casey?" He said "Dongducheon Casey?" I said yes and we got in. I have driven to Casey before with my DH and it takes about 35 minutes from my house. We made it there in about 15! ROFL It only cost me W20,000 for the trip which wasn't too bad. I had planned on W40,000 to be on the safe side. The trip was fairly uneventful and the driver was very polite.

Well, at least it was uneventful if you consider safely arriving uneventful. Little things like traffic laws, lanes, going the wrong way on roads, red lights, merging buses, and such are really just minor inconveniences as long as your horn works! Seat belts are NOT required! At least, they weren't provided in this particular taxi, leaving one to employ alternative safety restraints such as fingernail penetration in the seat covers and vinyl covered roof of the cab. . . I couldn't even tell you if the taxi smelled nice or not because I am quite certain we both held our breath the whole way. It reminded me of one of those really steep old roller coasters. The ones where you find yourself holding your breathe because you know it is supposed to be "safe" but what if it isn't.

Seriously it was just fine taking the taxi.

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