Monday, April 12, 2010

Command Sponsorship Incentive Pay

Despite what we were told by a finance clerk, this pay does not automatically kick in when Housing submits your Command Sponsorship memo and housing paperwork to Yongsan Garrison. It requires filling out some paperwork by the service member. Begin with your company PAC office, who will send you to your Battalion S-1. There, they gave us an example of the packet. It requires a DA Form 4187, a copy of the Command Sponsorship Approval memo, and a copy of your ERB or ORB. Submit to your PAC office for routing and signatures, who will then route up to S-1 for action. We will let you know how long it takes to actually start receiving the incentive pay.

*It took about two months for the pay to kick in. We did get back paid to the day I got here.

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