Monday, April 12, 2010

Potty Talk - by Vikki

I had to just laugh at this post Vikki did. Great job on getting the nice photo's as well. Also, always keep tissue on you. Often you will have people handing out little packages of tissue for free.

"Ok, you have no doubt heard about toilets in Korea or other foreign countries, well let me introduce you to what I have encountered. I have been here almost 3 months now. I have actually found that most of the bathrooms in public places have western style (read American) toilets and facilities (yeah!).
This one even had an adult and child-sized toilet side-by-side for mom and kid to use at the same time (how cute). Some of them even have the best hand driers I have ever seen... your hands are dry in no time... not like the wimpy ones we usually see in the states. Then, you run across one of these...
Now they are another matter all together. Try teaching your little one how to squat over one of these. Now the one thing that didn't ring a bell the first time I saw it was the soap dispenser (circled in red).
The one I saw was almost used up, so it looked quite strange. I figured that since I was uncertain what it was that someone else might be curious too.
One important thing you should know before entering the stall to do your business is that many of them do not have toilet paper in there. You can usually find a toiled paper dispenser out in the main part of the bathroom. Grab some before going in."

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